Untap Your Potential

Educational teachings and tips & tricks to help you live your best life.

Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

Is your short leg a problem?

Did you know that a study in the science direct journal showed that as many as 70% of people have a short leg? Kind of a mind-blowing stat! Which in turn means that roughly the same amount of people will have uneven hips! So, odds are that if you are reading this blog you have one leg shorter than the other. Next question sure to come to mind “Is this a problem”?

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

Top 5 Excercises for Optimal Spinal Health!

Let’s go ahead and start with the most controversial pick on the list - the Deadlift. Ironically, this is one of the lifts people hurt themselves performing most and the exercise that brings people into the office most. However…

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

Spinal Injuries Hidden Offender

Likely you or someone you know is currently or has suffered from spinal pain. While many who suffer from spinal complaints understand what is going on at the surface level. Few of us look into what allowed the spine to degenerate enough to irritate the disc and in turn the nerves that exit from the affected level.

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

How does a Chiropractor know I need adjusted?

If you have ever been to a Chiropractor, you probably wonder “How do they know what needs adjusted and what doesn’t” Is there certain criteria they look for or is it all guess work? Just like when it comes to your medical doctor prescribing you a medication for a certain disease, chiropractic care shouldn’t be guess work. So, lets dig into some of the ways Chiropractors and us at Untapped decide what segments of your spine need adjusted and what doesn’t.

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

Chiropractic can help you poop?

Yes, you read that correctly and this isn’t click bait. Unless including the word poop in your title qualifies as click bait. So, if chiropractic can really help you defecate how does that work and how often can it help?

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

What to know about Lockjaw, TMJ and TMJD

One of the worst experiences is waking up in the morning and realizing you can barely open your jaw without tremendous pain. If you are one of the lucky ones you will be able to open your mouth enough to eat breakfast, but not without a bit of pain. At this point you are thinking what the heck is happening?

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Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C. Dr. Tyler Ploss D.C.

6 Things Headache and Migraine Sufferers Should Change

Sleep schedule: One thing I bring up to every patient I have ever treated with headaches is their sleep schedule. Many of us, unfortunately due to our hectic schedules, will sacrifice our sleep to squeeze out a little extra time at night to binge our favorite Netflix show. While you really want to watch that next episode…

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